Champaign-Urbana is well served with chain grocery stores. There is a Schnucks in both Urbana, at 200 N. Vine, and Champaign, at 109 N. Mattis. County Market in Champaign is at 312 W. Kirby; 2901 W. Kirby Ave.; 1914 Glenn Park Dr. and 331 Stoughton St. on campus; and in Urbana at 1819 S. Philo Rd. The Aldi’s are located at 3102 E. University Ave. in Urbana and at 801 W. Interstate Drive in Champaign.
There are several other stores that you should know about. The Common Ground Food Cooperative at 403 S. Wright St. in Champaign is closest to campus and has natural foods, fresh baked goods, deli items, locally grown produce, vitamins, etc. The co-op is owned by its workers, so there is a nominal, refundable membership fee. If you choose to work for an hour or so a week, the groceries are cheaper, and you meet new people. The World Harvest International Gourmet Foods at 519 E. University in Champaign specializes in Middle Eastern and South Asian food supplies and ingredients. Try Am-Ko Oriental Foods & Gifts at 101 E. Springfield in Champaign, which is large and diverse. Annapoorna at 505 S. Neil St. in Champaign is the new Indian grocery store.
Several “gourmet” shops have opened, including Sun Singer at 1115 Windsor Road in Champaign which has an incredible wine bar with cafe and stocks cheeses and wines.
Incredible pastries and breads are found at Mirabelle Fine Pastry at 124 W. Main in Urbana and The Cake Artist's Studio at 1100B W. Bloomington Rd in Champaign.