Our faculty are leaders on campus, author major books and articles, make key interventions in their fields, engage and inform the public, and receive national and international recognition for their scholarship, teaching, and service. See what our faculty and emeritus faculty have been working on this past year below. 

2024 Faculty Updates

Ikuko Asaka

to come

Eugene M. Avrutin

to come

Teresa Barnes

to come

Marsha E. Barrett

to come

Deepasri Baul

to come

Dave Beck

To come 

James R. Brennan

to come

Claudia Ruth Brosseder

To come

Adrian Burgos

to come

Antoinette Burton

Antoinette Burton was active in the History department, serving on the Executive Committee and on numerous preliminary examination and dissertation committees.  She also continued in her ninth year as director of the Humanities Research Institute. She published essays in several edited collections, gave a number of presentations on the public humanities, and learned how to write Op Eds through the Public Voices Fellowship sponsored by the University of Illinois President’s office. Her pieces appeared in the Chicago TribuneTech Policy Press, the Philadelphia InquirerMs Magazine, and Public Seminar. She continued her work as chair of the faculty board at the University of Illinois Press and as a board member at Illinois Humanities. In summer 2024 her book Gender History: A Very Short Introduction, came out with Oxford University Press.

Sundiata Cha-Jua

To come

Tamara Chaplin

To come

Teri Chettiar

To come

Jerry Dávila

to come

Angela Diaz

to come

Augusto F Espiritu

to come

Peter Fritzche

to come

Daniel A. Gilbert

to come

Laura Frances Goffman

to come

Marc Hertzman

To come

Kristin Hoganson

To come

Craig M. Koslofsky

To come

Rosalyn La Pier

to come

Anna Jungeun Lee

To come

Ralph W. Mathisen

To come

Erik S. McDuffie

To come

Robert Michael Morrissey

to come

Kevin Mumford

To come

Mauro Nobili

To come

Dana Rabin

To come

Yurida Ramírez

to come

John Randolph

To come

Leslie J. Reagan

To Come

David Sepkoski

To come

Carol Symes

To come

Anna Whittington

To Come

Roderick Ike Wilson

To come

2024 Emeriti Updates

James R. Barrett

Jim Barrett published "The Irish and Labor in the Industrial Era, 1880-1930s,” in The Routledge History of Irish America, eds. Cian T. McMahon and Kathleen P. Costello-Sullivan (New York, Routledge, 2024) and with Shelton Stromquist, A David Montgomery Reader: Capitalism and Workers Resistance, University of Illinois Press, 2024. An interview with Barrett by PhD alumnus Robert D. Sampson appeared in the Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society , Vol. 117 No. 2 Summer 2024. He continues to coedit the University of Illinois Press series, The Working Class in American History, which now has more than 170 volumes in print. 

Richard W. Burkhardt

to come

Orville V Burton

To come

Kai-Wing Chow

To come

Clare Haru Crowston

To come

Kenneth M. Cuno

to come

Poshek Fu

To come

Caroline M. Hibbard

To come

Lillian E. Hoddeson

To come

Frederick E. Hoxie

To come

Nils Jacobson

To Come

Diane P. Koenker

Diane Koenker concluded her term as Director of the UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies in August 2023. In her remarks at her farewell party, she reflected on the highs of her tenure, including the hiring of 24 new permanent staff and the promotion of 26 academic staff since she took up her post in January 2018. In February 2023, she presented a paper, “How Far from Moscow? Soviet History and Its Challenges,” at a conference on “Survival Strategies of Ukraine and Russia,” at the Slavic Eurasian Research Center, University of Hokkaido, Sapporo, Japan. Her article, “The Strange Case of the Disappearing Soviet Waiter,” appeared in the July 2023 issue of Slavonic and East European Review.  She retired from UCL in January 2024 and continues to live in London, working on her book project on Soviet consumption in the 1960s.

Bruce Levine

During the past year I’ve been consulting on the creation of the Thaddeus Styevens and Lydia Hamilton Smith Center for History & Democracy, to be located in Lancaster, Pa. I’ve also submitted an essay, now under review, to the journal Historical Materialism on how the thinking among Russian socialists evolved in the early 20th century concerning the nature of the coming Russian revolution. That essay, in turn, will eventually become a chapter in a book about revolutions throughout the world that aim to secure democratic rights. I have already drafted three additional chapters for that book.

Harry M. Libersohn

To come

Joseph L Love

To come

John A. Lynn II

To come

Robert M. McColley

To Come

Megan M. McLaughlin

To come

Evan M. Melhado

To come

Mark S. Micale

To come

Richard E. Mitchell

To come

Elizabeth H. Pleck

to come

David Prochaska

To come

Dorothee Schneider

To come

Mary Lee Spence

To Come

Mark Steinberg

To come

Charles C. Stewart

To Come

Ronald P. Toby

To come

Maria Todorova

To come