Stefan Djordjevic and Marco Jaimes wrote about the first year of our study abroad program HIST 354: 20th Century Europe in Prague.
- Johnna's internship solidified her desire to pursue a career in law and one day become a judge.
- I felt that because of the demographic composition of my classes I was able to get a better world view on diplomatic and political relations due to our interconnected past.
- I learned to move through life slowly: when I walk to the train in the morning, instead of rushing, I slowed down, smelled the spring air, and made sure to look around at the shops, trees, and hills all around me.
- The architecture and culture of York helped me as a historian, because immense spans of time in English history are evident in the way the city is built.
- Sarah processed raw archival material on topics ranging from censorship in the '60s, to the history of music in New York City, to the beginning of vegetarian cooking in America.
- Giana led tours of historic buildings and taught visitors all about 19th century newspaper production.
- Rocky interned at Brewer, Attorneys & Counselors, a law firm dealing primarily in corporate litigation.
- Austin worked to digitize, process, rehouse and make accessible materials and images documenting the history of Central Appalachia.
- Jensen Rehn helped prepare "In this Great Struggle," an exhibit about World War II which opened on the 75th anniversary of the D-Day Invasion (June 6) at the Lincoln Presidential Library.