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Cam Burkins


Camryn "Cam" Burkins is a third-year student in the joint Library and Information Science (MSLIS) and History (MA) degree programs at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Cam has a B.S. in civil engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. At the University of Illinois, Cam is investigating the legacy of Black-American people post-Great Migration and how new technology enables old forms of violence. Cam is advised by Dr. Erik McDuffie.


Research Interests


Algorithmic Intelligence

Applied History

Black-American Diaspora, Post-Great Migration

Black Feminist Theory

Critical Race Theory (CRT)

Critical Technocultural Discourse Analysis (CTDA)



Information Access

Information Experience

Information Literacy

Information-Seeking Behavior

Information and Communications Technology (ICT)

The Spectacle of Black Death


Transnational Feminism


B.S. Civil Engineering; The University of Texas at Austin, 2017


The University of Illinois at Champaign Ilinois, iSchool Travel Grant, Summer 2022

The University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Spectrum Scholarship, 2023—2024

Awards and Honors

American Library Association (ALA) Spectrum Scholar, 2023—2024

Additional Campus Affiliations

M.S. Library and Information Science; The School of Information Science (iSchool)

Preprofessional Graduate Assistant; Grainger Engineering Library Information Center

Graduate Research Assistant; School of Art + Design