Ryan has completed a double major in History and Religion while pursuing the History Honors track.. Ryan is the President of Phi Alpha Theta and his exceptional leadership of the group has been so vital in supporting history majors during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Ryan's academic accomplishments are many: He earned the William and Virginia C. Waterman Scholarship, the Robert H. Bierma Scholarship for Superior Academic Merit in History, and the Martha Belle Barrett Scholarship for Undergraduate Academic Excellence in recognition of the exemplary scholarship he has produced in the History Department. Ryan has also earned campus Bronze Tablet Honors. His tireless efforts on behalf of the Department and of fellow History students has earned him the Friends of History Distinguished Service Award.
Ryan has also served as an Undergraduate Learning Mentor in the Department of Food Science & Nutrition. He is the co-author of two published works: "Engaging Nutrition Students through Storytelling” for McGraw Hill and "How's Crops, Dean?" for SourceLab.
Ryan will continue his studies after graduation at the School of Information Science at Illinois.