Contact Information
Research Areas
Additional Campus Affiliations
Professor, History
Professor, Classics
Professor, Program in Medieval Studies
Professor, European Union Center
Recent Publications
Mathisen, R. W. (2023). Changing times: The allocation of land to barbarian settlers in the late Roman world. In The European Countryside during the Migration Period: Patterns of Change from Iberia to the Caucasus (300-700 CE) (pp. 13-32). De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110778298-002
Mathisen, R. W. (2021). Monetary Fines, Penalties and Compensations in Late Antiquity. In L. Bothe, S. Esders, & H. Nijdam (Eds.), Medieval Law and Its Practice (pp. 65-91). (Medieval Law and Its Practice; Vol. 31). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004466128_004
Mathisen, R. W. (2020). “Alors commença la France”: Merovingian expansion south of the Loire, 495-510. In The Oxford Handbook of the Merovingian World (pp. 407-423). Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190234188.013.25
Mathisen, R. W. (2020). Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations: From Prehistory to 640 CE. (3 ed.) Oxford University Press.
Mathisen, R. W. (2020). A Statistical Look at the Spread of Covid-19: What it Means for the US. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.19087.41123