Dale started in the doctoral program at UIUC in Fall 2023. Dale's research interests revolve around the intersection of rural and urban spaces, paying particular attention to the agricultural community and its impact in the modern era of the United States. In 2022, during his time at CSU, Dale helped create the Art of Ranching project which focuses on community history. The Art of Ranching (AOR) is a collaborative community history project that works with 4-H youth and historic family and/or Centennial farms and ranches to make visible the agricultural labor and legacy of Colorado communities. At UIUC Dale continues to be a part of the Art of Ranching Team as a project consultant. Furthermore, as a first-generation college student, it is important to Dale that his public history background combines with his academic works to make them accessible to a broader audience.
Research Interests
Agricultural History
Public History
Modern U.S.
Environmental History
Women, Gender, and Sexuality
History of the American West
Research Description
Dale's project aims to explore how the beef industry has responded to the obesity crisis in the twentieth century United States
M.A. History, Colorado State University
B.A. Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy, Michigan State University
April 2024 - American Society for Environmental History/National Science Foundation Travel Grant
Recent Publications
Mize, Dale. “Draining the Swamp: The Destruction of an Essential Landscape” Ohio History Journal Volume 131, Number 1, (Spring 2024): 32-44. https://oaks.kent.edu/node/18641.