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Elizabeth Anna Abosch

PhD Candidate

Research Interests

Russia, Soviet Union, 20th century history, cultural history, music history, criminality, film.


MA in Global, International, and Comparative History, Georgetown University (2017)

BA in History, University of Maryland College Park (2015)


2020-2021 ASEEES Cohen-Tucker Dissertation Research Fellowship

2018-2020 FLAS Fellow, Russian


Awards and Honors

Frederick S. Rodkey Memorial Prize in Russian History (2019)

Joseph Ward Swain Prize for Outstanding Seminar Paper (2019), “Moldavanka on the Magnitofon: The Heterochronotopia of “Old Odessa,” Brezhnev’s Hooligans and the Criminal Reinterpretation of Society in the Music of Arkady Severny, 1971–1980.”


Additional Campus Affiliations

2018-2020 Editorial Assistant, Slavic Review

Highlighted Publications

Abosch, Elizabeth. 2021. “Moldavanka on the Magnitofon: The Music of Arkadii Severnyi and Singing the Streets ‘Old Odessa’ in the Soviet Apartment Block.” Slavic & East European Journal 65.